J.Louis inicia su carrera como dj profesional a finales de los 80. Después de varios años ofreciendo sus sets en diferentes espacios de Catalunya, en 1996 inicia una nueva etapa en la mitica sala barcelonesa Illusion.
Tras dos años pasa a dirigir las cabinas de Matinée Group con la apertura de locales como El Mito,Cathedral Sundays, Le Soleil, Salvation, La Madame, Souvenir, Circus, Café Olé, Space Barcelona, D-Boy, D-Club siendo todos ellos inaugurados y resididos por él. Gracias a todo ello empezó a ser contratado en clubs y ciudades de toda España como Madrid, Valencia, Malaga, Granada, Sevilla, Bilbao, Mallorca, Zaragoza, Almeria, Santander y Vitoria entre otras.
Aterriza en Ibiza el año 1999 trabajando en El Divino y Space, repite en el 2000 para Privilege en el verano del 2001 se establece como residente de Space en las fiestas Matinée. Esto le lleva a darse a conocer internacionalmente y visitar clubs de ciudades como El Cairo, Sharm El Sheihk,Moscu,Odessa,Kiev,Miami,Los Angeles,Rio De Janeiro,Florianopolis,Sao Paolo,
París,Toulouse,Marsella,Cannes,Bruselas,Londres, Milan,Riccione,Bolonia,Amsterdam,Marrakesh,Helsinky,Berlin, Zurich,Lausanne ETC.
Como productor discográfico ha lanzado al mercado trabajos como J.Louis (Crazy man)Chez & Louis( Days & nights, Good Experience y Maktub e.p) Missifu (My destiny dancing y Pray 4 a new day) JAF press.Nicole Brown( Music its my life) Murphy & Bronson( My Whisper y On my soul) J.Louis feat.MANNI (Love,Going to get bored y Feel) J.Louis & Ferran (Sou fera y If you want it)Chus Soler & J.Louis(Funko y Disko fans) Tikaro,J.Louis & Ferran (This is. Resist, Unbelievable, Shine on me, Silent words, Real Things, Today is my day y Bodies Conection)Oscar L. & J.Louis(Bridge).También ha remezclado para Jocelyn Brown (Better life) La Unión (Lobo hombre en Paris) Ultra Nate (Automatic) Wally Lopez(Burning inside) Danny Verde (Express yourself) Lissat & Ketama (Imagination)etc. No podemos olvidarnos de sus recopilatorios que ha mezclado para varias compañías españolas como OVLAS COOL SESSION, ESSENCIAL HOUSE (Houseworks), PRIMERA LINEA HOUSE SESSIONS(Blanco y Negro), ORGULLO GAY 2003(Aire Music) y como no su proyecto mas reconocido y apreciado como son los 25 volúmenes del MATINEE GROUP COMPILATION,SOUVENIR EDITION,OLD HITS (Houseworks,Blanco y negro y Matinee Records).
Ha recibido premios como mejor dj de Ibiza concedido por la revista DJ Mag y a mejor dj nacional de house por la revista DJ One y a la mejor produccion house ¨Shine on me¨,Real Things y Today is my day.
Actualmente combina residencias en Amnesias Ibiza y L´Atlantida con actuaciones en todo el mundo.
A lot of sets around the world. Each week in a different place, USA, Brazil, Dubai, Russia, UK, France, Italy and many more, always offering his best sounds.
Matinée Group, Amnesia Ibiza, DMIX, L'Atlantida.
A long list of songs and compilations, his work is always better.
J Louis began his career as a professional DJ in the late 80’s. After several years of performing all around Catalonia,start a new chapter in the legendary Barcelona club, Illusion.
After two successful years the Matinee Group was born, with the opening of such clubs as El Mito, Matinée (c/Tarragona), Cathedral Sundays, Le Soleil, Salvation, La Madame, Souvenir, Circus, La Maison, Café Olé, Space Barcelona, D-Boy, D-Club, all of which were opened and overseen by him. This led to his being hired by clubs all over Spain, Madrid, Valencia, Malaga, Seville, Bilbao, Mallorca, Castellon, San Sebastian, Zaragoza, Almeria, Santander and Vitoria, as well as other cities.
In 1999 he arrived in Ibiza and worked at El Divino and Space. He also worked in 2000 at Privilege and in the summer of 2001 became the resident DJ at Space for all the Matinee events. This gave him international recognition and consequently he started playing clubs in cities like El Cairo, Sharm El Sheihk, Moscow, Miami, Palm Springs, Los Angeles, Rio De Janeiro, Florianopolis, Sao Paolo, Paris, Toulouse, Marseille, Cannes, Brussels, London, Milan, Padova, Riccione, Bologna, Treviso, Amsterdam, Marrakesh, Helsinki, Berlin, Zurich, and Lausanne.
In 1997, he began his career as a record producer with such projects as J.Louis (Crazy man) licensed in several countries in Europe, Chez & Louis( Days & nights, Good Experience y Maktub e.p) Missifu (My destiny dancing y Pray 4 a new day) JAF press.Nicole Brown( Music its my life) Murphy & Bronson( My Whisper y On my soul) J.Louis feat.MANNI (Love,Going to get bored y Feel) J.Louis & Ferran (Sou fera y If you want it)Chus Soler & J.Louis(Funko y Disko fans) Tikaro,J.Louis & Ferran (This is. Resist, Unbelievable, Shine on me, Silent words, Real Things, Today is my day y Bodies Conection). He has also done remixes for Jocelyn Brown (Better life), La Unión (Lobo hombre en Paris), Ultra Nate (Automatic), Wally Lopez(Burning inside), Danny Verde (Express yourself), and Lissat & Ketama (Imagination) co-produced with Ferran Benavent, Jordi Robles, Xavi Perez and Chus Soler.
One cannot forget the compilations that he has remixed for various Spanish companies such as Ovlas COOL SESSION, ESSENTIAL HOUSE (Houseworks) FRONTLINE HOUSE SESSIONS (White and Black), GAY PRIDE 2003 (Air Music) and of course his best-known and appreciated project, the 25 volumes of the MATINEE GROUP COMPILATION, 5 SOUVENIR EDITION, 4 OLD HITS (Houseworks, black and White Matinee Records
He has received the award ‘Best Ibiza DJ’ from DJ Mag. In addition, he was awarded the ‘The Best National House DJ’ by DJ Magazine and for ‘Best House Production’ for “Shine on Me”, ‘Real Things” and “Today is my day.